Pre-feasibility studies investigate whether a concept satisfies the client’s initial objectives and the technical, economic, social and environmental constraints for a particular project. The studies also provide first assessments of conditions and assumptions under which a set of solutions is feasible and define the order of magnitude of the costs involved.
ACS has the capability to design well-engineered, economical, environmentally and socially acceptable, and operable solutions that facilitate the feasibility and sustainability of a concept. With its pre-feasibility studies ACS provides a valuable instrument to support its clients in their decision-making process for project investments.
ACS combines engineering excellence with economic, environmental and social understanding in order to develop a sound basis for further decisions. For this purpose ACS assembles national and international multidisciplinary project teams that have vast experience in the business areas of the specified business sector.
A project is only feasible and sustainable in the long term if the technical, economic, environmental, social and operational feasibility can be proven by suitable investigations. Investors and owners will only invest in projects if appropriate solutions can be found which cover all these aspects.
Feasibility study, looks at the financial attractiveness of the envisaged project and defines the project ROI or IRR and other financial metrics for the potential investors.
ACS combines engineering excellence, as well as environmental and social understanding with investment know how. Thus, ACS creates the precondition for financeable projects and provides clients with the basis for accurate budget planning and further investment decisions.